Questions that you may be considering:

  • Why am I afraid to hire?

    Inviting someone into your business can be a very scary prospect. You’ve managed just fine thus far, and your systems work. The only problem is that those systems may not take you where you want to go. Using coaching with Happy Teams can help you overcome your hesitations and grow your company in the way you hope to by giving you individualized support that is tailored to your exact situation with solutions that are meant for you and you alone.

  • Why is my team unhappy?

    Team dissatisfaction can be a result and/or combination of so many different things. Factors that contribute to team unhappiness could be a result of poor company culture, a lack of clarity on company goals and vision, a disconnect surrounding employee work expectations, and so much more. Using the company appraisal with Happy Teams can help you to identify exactly where the issues are in a safe way for every company member involved.

  • Why am I not reaching my company goals?

    A lack of company performance can be a very disheartening and frustrating issue to encounter. Just like team dynamics, company performance is an incredibly multifaceted issue that can be the result of many factors. A lack of clarity for a company’s vision and goals can be a contributing factor, as well as a lack of commitment to a company’s goals and values. If your team does not know where they are going, missing the mark of progress is guaranteed. Use the Happy Teams company appraisal, company inventory, and coaching to right the ship.

  • How do I build a stronger team?

    You may enjoy the people you have working around you, but they may seem a bit disconnected from the comapny’s values and goals. If the leader isn’t in the room, they don’t seem very motivated to produce great work. What gives? You can work with great people, but if they aren’t crystal clear on what/who/why they are working towards, you won’t get the best out of your team. Using the company appraisal, the company inventory, consultation, and coaching can all help you to build a team that is excited to work, bought into your vision, and produces great results.

  • How do I fix communication issues?

    If you find that you have trouble communicating with your team, or there are team members that are struggling to effectively communicate with each other, leaving it unresolved can result in the slow death of your company’s culture. Communication issues are an indicator of a bigger issue, one where people do not feel heard, understood, valued, or welcomed. There are two different motivations at play and because they are not understood, there can be a lot of discomfort and resentment built up. Start addressing the communication issues in your company by using Happy Teams coaching, and expand into the company inventory to get an exact pulse on what you can do to improve communication issues.

  • How do I expand my team?

    Expanding your team can feel like a catch 22- you desperately need more help, but where do you start? How can you afford to bring someone on? Can your company culture afford it?

    The answer is yes! Working with Happy Teams can provide you with a great deal of clarity on where you most need help in your business (it isn’t always where you think!), and Catrina can help you to create a strategy that is straightforward and delivers results. Get started by booking a company appraisal and coaching sessions to build the team of your dreams.